Our team of specialists helps patients experiencing balance, inner ear (vestibular) and dizziness problems. These issues may be caused by an unknown condition or an existing illness or condition you’re already experiencing.
Our team of specialists offer a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of balance-related symptoms that can be caused by conditions such as:
- Vertigo
- Dizziness
- Concussions
- Myopathies
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Parkinson’s disease
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Peripheral or central vestibular dysfunction
- Post-polio syndrome
- Radiculopathy
- Spinal stenosis
- Stroke
You’ll receive a personalized, comprehensive balance and dizziness evaluation which will include:
- Review of medical history and symptoms
- Physical therapy vestibular evaluation including balance, coordination, strength, gait, sensory inputs and dynamic posturography (CDP) testing with the Bertec system
- Audiology assessment including a hearing evaluation and videonystagmography to further assess your symptoms
We’ll develop an individualized treatment plan that includes your results, goals and tools to manage your symptoms. You may be reassessed to gauge progress.
Our clinic offers the region's most advanced simulation technology to help patients return to normal activity. The Bertec system allows patients to work on tasks to improve their balance and decrease their sensitivity to challenges in their environment.
While supported by a safety harness, patients stand on a movable platform in front of a large dome screen. Like a video game, backgrounds move across the screen simulating the patient being in different environments such as walking through a park, a grocery store or down a street. Background screens are personalized to modify complexity for the patient’s needs, staff can also add simulated cognitive challenges.