If you need neurocritical care, Yunis Mayasi, MD, provides health care for complex brain conditions. Alongside other neurointensivists, neuroendovascular specialists and neurosurgeons at the Avera Brain & Spine Institute in Sioux Falls, SD, Dr. Mayasi supports neurological recovery in adult patients.
Neurointerventional Care & Surgical Recovery Support
After a patient has received minimally invasive brain or spine care, such as surgery, he or she recovers in the inpatient unit under the supervision of Avera’s neurocritical care team.
When a patient comes in, my goal is to establish trust. This bond opens the doorway for me to help them in a more comprehensive approach.
Dr. Mayasi supports critical care patients who’ve experienced neurological conditions such as strokes, seizures, brain cancer, encephalopathy, Guillain Barre syndrome, and more.
Neurointensivists use state-of-the-art treatment methods, including:
- External ventricular drain placement
- Intracranial monitoring systems
- Endotracheal intubation and advanced airway management
- Ventilator management techniques
- Ultrasound guided central venous access
- Arterial line placement
“The exciting part about the neurology field is that when it comes to the brain, there is always more room for study,” said Dr. Mayasi.
Active Lifestyle
Dr. Mayasi loves running with his dog in his free time. One of his future goals is to start running marathons. Dr. Mayasi is from Jordan.